Discover the Skies: What To Expect On Your First Discovery Flight

Cessna 172 Plane in front of hanger ready for an instrument rating training

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Embarking on a discovery flight is an exhilarating step into the world of aviation. Whether you’re contemplating a career as a pilot or simply seeking an unforgettable experience, these flights offer a unique glimpse into life above the clouds. For those who are considering a career in aviation or just want to feel what the joy of piloting an aircraft through the skies, a discovery flight is always the best place to begin. 

What is a Discovery Flight?

Discovery flights are short adventures in training aircraft, perfect for those new to flying or considering pilot training. They provide a hands-on experience of what it’s like to control an aircraft and the responsibilities of being a pilot. On average, most flight schools offer packages including anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour in the sky. 

Why take a Discovery Flight?

There are numerous reasons why a Discovery flight is your best bet to discover the thrill of flying. Below are some of the top reasons for consideration. 

  • Exploratory Nature: Ideal for all interest levels in aviation, from casual curiosity to serious career consideration.
  • Educational Value: Learn about flight procedures, airport operations, and the basics of piloting.
  • Pilot Experience: Experience piloting with an expert instructor by your side. You’ll even get to take control of the yoke (steering wheel) when you get up to altitude. 
Student on a discovery flight

How Should I Prepare For My Discovery Flight?

So, you’re probably wondering how you can best prepare before arriving for your first Discovery flight. Below we list some of the key things you will want to prepare before you take off. 

  • Documentation: You will need to bring a valid photo ID for airport access and for age verification.
  • Attire: Opt for comfortable clothes, sunglasses, and hats for sun protection. Don’t worry about dressing to warm as the cockpits of the aircraft are heated. 
  • Mindset: Be prepared for an enlightening experience and bring your enthusiasm.
  • Motion-Sickness Medication: Some individuals might feel motion sickness while flying, especially in smaller aircraft where the effects of wind are more noticeable once airborne.
  • Get A Good Night Sleep:Ensure you get ample sleep to be alert and prepared for ground instruction with your instructor. Additionally, feeling your best is important when soaring at 10,000 feet in the air.

What can I expect on my first flight?

Depending on the flight school and package you book, you can expect some variation of the items listed below. Many flight schools will start off with a basic flight simulator experience followed by ground instruction from your flight instructor. From there, you will head to the runway and take off toward the skies! 

  • Takeoff: Experience the excitement of takeoff and basic flight maneuvers.
  • Navigation: Learn about in-flight controls, including the yoke and rudder pedals.
  • Communication: Understand cockpit communications and air traffic control interactions.
Plane ready for instrument Rating

How Much Does A Discovery Flight Cost?

The price of a discovery flight may differ depending on your flight school’s location and prevailing market rates. Typically, prices range from $90 to over $200. Certain flight schools provide premium discovery flight options, including flight simulation and extended flight time. Groupon is often a good starting point to find attractive deals on these flights.


A discovery flight is not just an introduction to flying; it’s a gateway to the vast and captivating world of aviation. Whether it becomes a stepping stone to a flying career or a cherished memory, it’s an experience that will ignite your passion for the skies. If you are located in Washington, DC, Maryland or Virginia, Positive Attitude Aviation is the perfect place to take your first discovery flight. Give us a call or fill out the form below to inquire. 


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