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The Ultimate Discovery Flight

Book Your Discovery Flight Lesson Today!

Book a Discovery Flight near Potomac, MD!

Embark on Your First Flight Adventure with Positive Attitude Aviation in Potomac, MD: Maryland’s Premier Flight School! Whether you’re captivated by the excitement of flying or contemplating obtaining your pilot’s license, our top-rated instructors and curriculum offer an unparalleled flying experience you’ll never forget. Recognized as the number one flight school in Maryland, Positive Attitude Aviation ensures excellence in both training and experience. Don’t miss the chance to book a discovery flight near Potomac and explore the option of enrolling in our esteemed flight training programs.

What is a Discovery Flight?

A Discovery Flight with Positive Attitude Aviation: Your Gateway to the Skies Near Potomac, MD. Ideal for aviation newcomers, a discovery flight offers a safe and educational entry into the thrilling world of flying. During this hands-on journey, you’ll have the unique opportunity to explore your aviation aspirations and determine whether it’s a career or hobby you’d like to explore further. Whether your ambitions involve piloting for a major airline, experiencing the freedom of traveling to exotic locales, or simply ticking “fly a plane” off your bucket list, our top-rated instructors are dedicated to helping you achieve your dreams. To dive deeper into what a discovery flight entails and how it can steer your future, click here to read our blog post. What is a Discovery Flight?

Our Discovery Flight Packages

(Click Photos For Package Description)

Where can I book a Discovery Flight Near Me in Potomac, MD?

Looking for a Local Discovery Flight Experience in Maryland? Your Search Ends Here! Positive Attitude Aviation, Maryland’s number one flight school, invites you to join us for an unforgettable flying adventure right from our Gaithersburg, MD hangar. Contact us today to unlock the extraordinary thrill of piloting a plane firsthand. With top-rated instructors and a leading training curriculum, there’s no better place to kickstart your aviation journey than at the most esteemed flight school in the state.

Frequently asked questions about Discovery Flights

Discover the Skies with Positive Attitude Aviation: Tailored Discovery Flight Packages near Potomac, MD. Whether you’re a budding aviation enthusiast or simply curious, we offer a variety of discovery flight options to suit both your interests and budget. Our Introductory Flight is affordably priced at $129.00, offering a fantastic first glimpse into the world of flying. For those seeking a deeper experience, our Aviation Discovery Flight is available for $179.00. And for the ultimate skyward adventure, consider our Premium Discovery Flight at $269.00. All options are expertly guided by Maryland’s top-rated flight instructors. If you have any questions or need help deciding which package is right for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. There’s no better place to begin your aviation journey than at the number one flight school in Maryland!

To prepare for your discovery flight, ensure you have a valid ID with you. Dress in comfortable attire and wear sneakers. Don’t worry about the cold; our cockpit is equipped with heating.

We’ll arrange to move your booking to the next mutually agreeable date.

Yes! Feel free to bring your camera and take as many photos or videos as you would like. 

Payment in full is required when you make a Discovery Flight reservation. While payments are non-refundable, we’re more than willing to accommodate a rescheduling and apply your balance to an alternative date.

Unfortunately not, we can not allow anyone additional on the flight. 


Have more questions or ready to book a discovery flight?

For more information or to speak with a member of our team :
Fill out the form below or call us at 301-232-3550
Email Us at info@positiveattitudeaviation.org

Mon-Fri : 09:00 am to 05:00pm

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